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Comparative Philosophy

Comparative Philosophy prepares students for a wide range of meaningful work through study of diverse systems and cultures of critical thinking and transformative living.

Classroom discussion

Why Study Comparative Philosophy at Randolph?

Randolph’s innovative comparative philosophy program challenges students to look beyond Eurocentric thought traditions, 宗教, 和哲学.

比以往任何时候都更重要, the chaotic state of the world demands responsible inquiry, intercultural competence, 道德推理, 和正义.

Students gain competence in multiple philosophical cultures, 允许对哲学研究采用广泛的比较方法, examining issues from multiple angles and perspectives.

Courses are multidisciplinary, geared toward public engagement, and representative of thinkers from throughout the world.

The goal of comparison is not to prefer one against the rest, but rather to enlarge our students’ vision and imagination and thus their capacity for negotiating difficult problems of self and society.


Comparative Philosophy major (BA)

Comparative Philosophy minor

Curriculum and Courses





Political Science


机会 for Experience


每年, Randolph students compete in the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges’ (VFIC) statewide collegiate 道德碗.

The 道德碗 team takes on students from other Virginia colleges and universities in the debate and consideration of applied ethics—real world dilemmas that affect people’s lives in increasingly complex ways.

Topics range from ethics and technology, 医疗保健, 教育, and business to social justice, 政治, and civic responsibility.

Randolph professors are mentors to their students.
教授Kaija莫滕森和扎克主教24讨论他的跨信仰对话的夏季研究项目, with the aim of creating strategies to help people with various religious beliefs and nonbeliefs communicate with each other.

Summer Research Program


Randolph’s intensive eight-week Summer Research Program enables students to work with professors on a research of their own design; live in a residence hall on campus, participate in on-campus summer events, attend special seminars with guest speakers; and share the progress and results of their research.

Learn more about the Summer Research Program.

Symposium of Artists and Scholars

Modeled after a traditional academic conference, the SAS brings together students of all disciplines to share the results and highlights of the best work being produced at the College –  oral presentations, readings of 创造性的工作s, 表演, exhibitions of student artwork, and poster presentations.

Learn more about the Symposium of Artists and Scholars.


Learn by doing – in the field and on the job.  The Career Development Center will help place you in positions with leading companies and organizations in your field of study.

Learn more about internship opportunities.

Unique Experiences


Phuong Tran

Digital Persuasion

Phuong Tran ' 15

Tran joined ACLU-VA in 2016 as a part-time employee and is now the organization’s digital communications manager, 以建立关系和鼓励集体行动为中心的工作.

“我使用的很多解决问题和逻辑思维能力都来自于我在365亚洲版的哲学学位. 它确实帮助我理解了冗长而复杂的法律问题, and my communications degree helps me translate them into simple language to share with the public to have more impact. Knowledge means nothing if you’re not good at sharing it.”

她制定战略传播计划,以推进倡导目标,同时努力提供信息, 激励, and mobilize supporters to action.

“It’s my job to get people to care. It’s my job to use my creativity to get the stories out there.”


Top Ranked Professors

365亚洲版学院的教师一直被认为是全国最好的. The Princeton Review ranked the College in the Top 25 for most accessible professors in the most recent edition of its flagship college guide, The Best 389 Colleges.

Randolph has been ranked in the top 25 for most accessible professors for more than a decade.

Comparative Philosophy Faculty


Associate Professor of Comparative Philosophy

阅读更多... Kaija莫滕森

Suzanne Bessenger

The Barbara Boyle Lemon ’57 and William J. Lemon Associate Professor of Religious Studies

阅读更多... Suzanne Bessenger



阅读更多... 大卫•施瓦兹


Randolph students can take advantage of unique programs which give them a more enriching 教育 than can be found anywhere else.

The Randolph Plan

Randolph students work with faculty mentors to explore a broad range of disciplines as they chart their academic path.

The Liberal Arts Advantage

365亚洲版的毕业生学会批判性地思考,解决问题和与他人合作. They are prepared to succeed in all aspects of life.

Money for Your Research

365亚洲版创新学生体验(RISE)项目为每位学生提供2美元,000 grant to fund research, 创造性的工作, experiential learning or other scholarly pursuits.


Two courses per half-mester means you get to focus in and dig deep into your coursework while still having time for the rest of the college experience. 两个类. 七个星期. 重复.



Bessenger attends conference in Sri Lanka

Movement Rhizome: International Conference on Dance Studies was held in February at the University of Peradeniya.



“Philosophy should not be something that only experts practice. 对于经典的哲学问题和问题,每个人都应该思考并有自己的答案. My job in the classroom was to provide the framework whereby students could explore important questions on their own.”



Suzanne Bessenger, professor of comparative philosophy, attended the conference in Atlanta, 乔治亚州, with Kai Miller ’24 and Jordyn Shumpert ’25.






The internship allows Randolph students to gain hands-on experience in arts management and nonprofit fundraising while working for the Lyric’s development office.


Bessenger attends conference in Sri Lanka

Movement Rhizome: International Conference on Dance Studies was held in February at the University of Peradeniya.



“Philosophy should not be something that only experts practice. 对于经典的哲学问题和问题,每个人都应该思考并有自己的答案. My job in the classroom was to provide the framework whereby students could explore important questions on their own.”



Suzanne Bessenger, professor of comparative philosophy, attended the conference in Atlanta, 乔治亚州, with Kai Miller ’24 and Jordyn Shumpert ’25.






The internship allows Randolph students to gain hands-on experience in arts management and nonprofit fundraising while working for the Lyric’s development office.

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Associate Professor of Comparative Philosophy

凭证:B.A. Colorado College, Philosophy
Ph.D., University of 加州-Santa Cruz, Philosophy
Associated Departments:Comparative Philosophy, Integrative Studies


My first course as an undergraduate was Philosophy of Mind. 当我们阅读从亚里士多德到丹尼尔·丹尼特等哲学家的著作时, I was fascinated by the ways our collective inquiry mirrored our subject matter as we used both our introspective experience and collaborative analysis to draw conclusions about the nature of the mind. 我惊叹于教授们精心组织课堂讨论的技巧. I was impressed by the pleasure my classmates took in listening to and challenging one another and the course texts. 随着时间的推移, I realized that I wanted to spend my life doing these things, thinking in concert with other minds.

I teach a variety of courses, including Knowledge and Reality, Philosophy of Mind, History of Modern Philosophy, Practical Reasoning, 和逻辑. 我深信,对话是哲学的中心活动. Participation in such dialogue regardless of one’s role as a student or teacher requires learning (1) how to charitably understand the ideas of others, (2)如何以对整体调查有建设性贡献的方式批评观点, and (3) how to enter one’s own voice (in writing and speaking) into an ongoing conversation articulately and on point. 我帮助我的学生加强他们在这些领域的技能,并希望, det365亚洲版是, they leave my class with an increased understanding of the relationship between themselves as knowers and the things they claim to know.

My current research questions the ways theories of knowledge and theories of mind inform how philosophers (should) do philosophy and the ways expertise is developed (both in philosophy students and professional philosophers). I am also interested in Experimental Philosophy, 用社会科学的方法来回答哲学问题的一个新领域, and what it can teach us about the discipline of philosophy.

My philosophical interests also include peer disagreement; the relationships among philosophical, 科学, 精神上的, and aesthetic ways of knowing; and the historical origins of current philosophical debates about intuition.

正如你从我在上面对哲学的描述中所强调的对话中推断出来的那样, my second love is theatre, followed closely by the other performing, 文学, 以及视觉艺术.


Suzanne Bessenger

The Barbara Boyle Lemon ’57 and William J. Lemon Associate Professor of Religious Studies

凭证:B.A., Mills College, Anthropology
Associated Departments:Comparative Philosophy, 亚洲研究


My first year of college I found myself in an introductory philosophy class called “Crucial Human Issues of Our Culture,” where I discovered, 令我惊奇的是, 高中时代困扰我的问题——什么是美好的人生?  什么是美??  我们为什么受苦??  What does it mean to die well?——这些都是学术事业的核心问题, and that philosophers had been asking for millenia.  My pursuit of answers to these questions eventually led me to the study of Asian 宗教s and philosophies, 在奥克兰米尔斯学院开设了自己设计的亚洲研究专业, 加州, 还有一个学期在印度学习藏传佛教的经历, 尼泊尔, and Tibet through the School for International Training.

大学毕业后,我在湾区的一所公立学校教了一年科学, and then another year traveling through Buddhist pilgrimage sites in northern India and living at a Buddhist nunnery in the foothills of the Himalayas.  我最终在弗吉尼亚大学攻读宗教史的硕士和博士学位, where I focused on the study of Tibetan Buddhism, as well as South and East Asian 宗教s and philosophies.  我的研究重点是14世纪的西藏圣人Sönam Peldren和她的丈夫Rinchen Pel, some of which I have published in the book Echoes of Enlightenment: The Lives of Sönam Peldren (牛津大学,2016).  我目前正在完成Sönam佩德伦传记的完整翻译.

At Randolph College I enjoy introducing students to the distinctive traditions of thought found in Buddhism, 印度教, 儒家思想, 和道教, and to topical courses on subjects such as death and dying, 性别, and visual culture.  Randolph students bring to the classroom the same questions and passions that started my own intellectual journey all those years ago, and it is a joy and privilege to work alongside them as they find their own paths forward to meaningful and abundant lives.





凭证:B.A., Texas Christian University
M.A., Rice University
Ph.D., Rice University
Associated Departments:Comparative Philosophy


I teach a wide range of philosophy courses, 包括道德, Environmental Philosophy, Philosophy of Art, and Classical Greek Philosophy. 我发表了许多365亚洲版伦理学和艺术哲学的文章, as well as a book on federal funding for the arts.

我的书, Consuming Choices , was published in April 2010, by Rowman and Littlefield. The book explores whether consumers have moral obligations to boycott products made with immoral practices such as slave labor, 虐待动物, or environmental harm.

在我的业余时间, I like to play with my crazy chocolate lab, 多莉, and my two wily cats, Satchmo and Edith. I also spend time working on and driving my mobile artwork, “蚂蚁车”.
